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Exploring innovative approaches to address conduct issues and community concerns in a holistic manner

Stream 2
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
1:30 PM - 2:15 PM
Crystal 2


Lorna Ali, University of Newcastle


Supervising a residential community predominately made up of young individuals living out of home for the first time naturally presents unique challenges and will inevitably result in community concerns arising. The approach taken to address these concerns can have a significant bearing on the dynamic between individual residents, the community, and the accommodation provider. Therefore, it is essential that matters are addressed in a fair, supportive and holistic manner, that harnesses the social fabric. Importantly, the goal is for this to be the perception of all parties, which requires consultation and consideration of views that may be conflicting. To avoid adversarial positioning impeding productive communication, attention must be paid to the sentiment and perspectives of the individuals perpetrating antisocial or inappropriate behaviour. This presentation will explore tangible and practical solutions to common issues that arise when addressing community concerns, with a focus on fostering active participation, building trust, and breaking the “code of silence”.


Agenda Item Image
Ms Lorna Ali
Student Living Support Coordinator
University Of Newcastle

Exploring innovative approaches to address conduct issues and community concerns in a holistic manner

Abstract Overview

Supervising a residential community predominately made up of young individuals living out of home for the first time naturally presents unique challenges and will inevitably result in community concerns arising. The approach taken to address these concerns can have a significant bearing on the dynamic between individual residents, the community, and the accommodation provider. Therefore, it is essential that matters are addressed in a fair, supportive and holistic manner, that harnesses the social fabric.

Importantly, the goal is for this to be the perception of all parties, which requires consultation and consideration of views that may be conflicting. To avoid adversarial positioning impeding productive communication, attention must be paid to the sentiment and perspectives of the individuals perpetrating antisocial or inappropriate behaviour. This presentation will explore tangible and practical solutions to common issues that arise when addressing community concerns, with a focus on fostering active participation, building trust, and breaking the “code of silence”.


Lorna is a health promotion professional with specialist skills in crisis support and behaviour management. For the past ten years, Lorna has been working with university students identified as at-risk due to personal, academic or behavioural indicators. With a passion for coaching, Lorna adopts a holistic, strength-based approach to encourage and empower students to achieve their goals and navigate through challenging circumstances successfully. Lorna is also an advocate for institutional continuous improvement, capacity building and creating supportive environments that remove barriers, in turn making it easier for people to make better choices. Prior to joining the higher education sector, Lorna was designing and delivering health literacy programs for prisoners in self-care units. Lorna has an avid interest in novel approaches to fostering the personal growth and development of people in a residential community.