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Events to bring ALL our people together: building inclusion workshop

Stream 3
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
11:45 AM - 12:30 PM
Gallery 4


Isabel Fox, Fearless Fox


Events can be the most exciting of a student leader role. But they can also be dreadfully time consuming, and leaders or staff may often resort to what we did last time in the hope of making everyone’s life easier. Then there is the element of tradition, something we’ve always done, that we may feel obligated to do, regardless of whether it fits anymore or not. And this begs the question: how much time do we spend reflecting on WHY? Why do we do the things that we do? Are they still important or relevant? What are we hoping to achieve from this? We can answer these many of the challenges we face in our events calendar by bringing it back to notions of inclusion: who actually lives with us and is there truly something for everyone in our events calendar? Dress-up bar nights with the big personalities attending is the easy stuff. Fancy balls with immaculate dresses and flawless fake tans are also pretty standard. But what about the other stuff? the slightly more complex or out of the box? What about our neuro-diverse students or those who feel anxious in big crowds? What about our covid-generation teens who look for connection in different ways? What about our international students, our students without the $$$, our students who are working too many shifts just to cover their bills? This is a chance to experience a version of a course designed and run for student leaders to boost inclusive events planning in our halls of residence. It aims to build reflection and insight into who actually lives with us and how we build our events calendar around their needs. Understanding who we are, and starting by building more inclusive events, helps to begin conversations around positive cultural changes that ultimately make our residences happier, healthier, and safer places to live. This is an interactive workshop, and participants will be provided with resources and asked to work in groups.


Agenda Item Image
Isabel Fox
Fearless Fox

Events to bring ALL our people together: building inclusion workshop

Abstract Overview

Events can be the most exciting of a student leader role. But they can also be dreadfully time consuming, and leaders or staff may often resort to what we did last time in the hope of making everyone’s life easier.

Then there is the element of tradition, something we’ve always done, that we may feel obligated to do, regardless of whether it fits anymore or not. And this begs the question: how much time do we spend reflecting on WHY? Why do we do the things that we do? Are they still important or
relevant? What are we hoping to achieve from this?

We can answer these many of the challenges we face in our events calendar by bringing it back to notions of inclusion: who actually lives with us and is there truly something for everyone in our events calendar? Dress-up bar nights with the big personalities attending is the easy stuff.
Fancy balls with immaculate dresses and flawless fake tans are also pretty standard.

But what about the other stuff? the slightly more complex or out of the box? What about our neuro-diverse students or those who feel anxious in big crowds? What about our covid-generation teens who look for connection in different ways? What about our international students, our students without the $$$, our students who are working too many shifts just to cover their bills?

This is a chance to experience a version of a course designed and run for student leaders to boost inclusive events planning in our halls of residence.

It aims to build reflection and insight into who actually lives with us and how we build our events calendar around their needs.

Understanding who we are, and starting by building more inclusive events, helps to begin conversations around positive cultural changes that ultimately make our residences happier, healthier, and safer places to live. This is an interactive workshop, and participants will be provided with resources and asked to work in groups.


Isabel has a long history of working in community engagement and education around mental health, equity and diversity, sexual health, consent, and sexual assault prevention. After more than a decade working in universities, in 2021 Isabel created the not-for-profit Fearless Fox Training to deliver health and wellbeing programs for young people or adults who work or care for youth. Consent Education Australia was formed as a partner not-for-profit in 2022 and empowers 12–25-year-olds to be leaders of cultural change in their communities to prevent sexual misconduct. She has worked internationally in sexual violence prevention and mental health programs across the Asia Pacific for leading NGOs and in the United Kingdom for charity MIND. Isabel has won a university medal for her research and awards for collaborative teaching and online innovation as a university academic and an international program award for her leading role in design and delivery of ground-breaking sexual assault prevention to students. She has consulted widely on consent and sexual assault prevention, including with leading corporate and business organisations in Australia and the United Kingdom and Ivy League universities in the United States. She was also an international expert author for Oxford University Press writing about young people and healthy relationships for their globally recognised Being Well, Living Well programs. In her leisure time Isabel enjoys yoga and running (despite how slow and bad she is at it!!)