Infection Control
Sunday, May 21, 2023 |
10:30 AM - 11:05 AM |
Meeting Rooms 1, 2 & 3 |
Di Jones
Mrs Dianne Jones
Logan Hospital
Infection Control
Di Jones is currently on long service leave on the pathway to retirement. She was the Nurse Unit Manager of the Endoscopy Unit at Logan Hospital in Queensland. Di has 46 years experience in gastroenterological nursing as a clinician, researcher, educator and manager. Di has had extensive involvement in the Gastroenterological Nurses College of Australia (GENCA), serving inter alia as President, Secretary, Director of Education, Editor, and is a lifetime member of that organisation. She also served as the President of the Society of International Gastroenterology Nurses and Endoscopy Associates (SIGNEA). Di is a co-author of the Australian publications “Infection Control in Endoscopy” and “Standards for Endoscopic Facilities” and was a member of the working party that developed the web-based course in endoscope reprocessing for Queensland Health (now hosted by GENCA). She established and was course coordinator for the tertiary education gastroenterology nursing courses at the Queensland University of Technology. Di is currently serving as a Director of ANZGITA, the Australian and New Zealand Gastroenterology International Training Organisation. That group delivers multi-disciplinary professional development through education and skills transfer training programs in Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, Myanmar and Nepal. Di was awarded the Order of Australia Medal (OAM) in 2012 for services to nursing.