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I'm sterile... now what? The role of the scrubbed surgical assistant

Stream Two - Room E2
Friday, April 19, 2024
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Room E2


Rhonda Ponder


Agenda Item Image
Rhonda Ponder
AREN Greencross

I'm sterile... now what? The role of the scrubbed surgical assistant


Many advanced surgeries are best performed with a sterile scrubbed assistant, and this is a perfect opportunity for nurses and techs to expand their skills and get involved. The degree of responsibility expected of a scrub nurse will depend on clinic protocol and surgeon comfort, as well as the training and experience of the nurses or techs themselves. Having a good core understanding of the role and principles of scrubbed assistance is vital, and in this lecture we will discuss these principles and learn some tips and tricks for elevating your surgical nursing practice and adding one more skill set to your resume.


Rhonda Ponder RVN, AVN, DipVN(GP), DipVN(Surgery) Rhonda has been working in the veterinary industry for 19 years. She achieved her Cert IV in Veterinary Nursing in 2007; a Diploma in Veterinary Nursing (General Practice) in 2018; and a second Diploma in Veterinary Nursing (Surgery) in 2019. Rhonda has maintained unbroken Accreditation since 2009 and was one of the first nurses in Australia to become an AVNAT Registered Veterinary Nurse. Rhonda spent 12 years in general practice (including a stint in management) but made the move to speciality practice in late 2015 and has now been a full-time Surgical and Anaesthesia Nurse for eight years. She has been a member of the VNCA since 2005 and is a divisional committee member for South Australia, as well as a discussion board moderator for the VIN Veterinary Support Personnel Network. Rhonda lectures locally and nationally and is also a lead educator for several practical workshops with VetPrac. She is passionate about advanced veterinary care and has a special interest in anaesthesia, surgery and critical care. Rhonda is a firm believer that there is always something new to learn in this industry, and actively seeks that new knowledge whenever she can.