Take a deep breath, now exhale: understanding capnography
Stream Two - Room E2
Thursday, April 18, 2024 |
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM |
Room E2 |
Tori Brown
Miss Tori Brown
Take a deep breath, now exhale: understanding capnography
Capnography is a non-invasive measurement of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) during inspiration and expiration. It provides information regarding the patient’s ventilation, perfusion and metabolism, particularly under general anaesthesia. The Veterinary Nurse/Technician is often responsible for the monitoring of a patient under general anaesthesia which will likely include the monitoring of a patient’s end tidal CO2 (EtCO2) via a capnometer. Not only does the capnograph/capnogram produced by capnometers give us a numerical value of EtCO2 which comparable to a partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide (PaCO2) but the waveforms generated can provide a wealth of information about a patient’s lung physiology including oxygenation and ventilation status. The Veterinary Nurse/Technician should therefore have an understanding of what a normal EtCO2 and capnogram is and what common changes in these monitoring parameters may indicate for their patient. This presentation will cover basic lung anatomy and physiology, basics of capnography including terminology, waveforms and types of capnometers, how to correctly interpret capnographs, how to identify abnormal capnographs and what this may indicate, and possible nursing interventions for capnograph abnormalities.
Tori achieved a Bachelor of Applied Science with a major in Veterinary Technology and Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing in 2015 from the University of Queensland. Upon graduation she was lucky enough to be offered a position as an emergency technician at Animal Emergency Services (AES), Gold Coast.
After developing her skills as a new graduate nursing medical and surgical patients throughout a mixed specialist and emergency practice, Tori began to work in the ICU at AES Gold Coast and quickly developed an immense passion for critical care nursing. In 2018 she made the leap to Pet ICU, Underwood as a Core Critical Care Nurse where along with nursing the most critical patients in south east Queensland, she is now involved with training and education of the nursing team.
Tori achieved her Veterinary Technician Specialist in Emergency & Critical Care through The Academy of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Technicians and Nurses in 2023 and hopes to inspire other Veterinary Nurses & Technicians to undertake specialty training. Some of her favourite cases to manage are ventilator, septic, endocrine and cardiology patients, as well as pain management